Living with Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a chronic disease condition that has a direct impact on the arteries. We say that somebody is hypertensive when their mmHg (a unit for pressure, in the same way a second is a unit that represents a certain amount of time) is beyond a range of a 100 to 140 mmHg when the heart is contracted (this is called systolic measurement) and out of range of 60 to 90 mmHg when the heart is relaxed.

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension can be a complex matter to understand, but let’s say that chronic hypertension can lead to cardiovascular problems and even heart attack. Also, hypertension can get worse with age, even if treated with conventional medicine. Why is that? Because with age, our arteries become progressively less flexible, increasing the pressure within the arteries and so adding another contributing factor to the condition. It does not stop there, because untreated hypertension has a tendency to affect vital organs, after a while, from brain swelling (that can manifest as headaches), blurred vision (elevated pressure inside the arteries of the eye can eventually lead to blindness), kidney damage, and arteriosclerosis.

Long Time Effects

There are a substantial amount of complications (I did not mention them all, for the sake of simplicity) that can come about from just having hypertension, and still, based on the information provided by the American Heart Association, an astonishing 75 million adults live with chronic hypertension in the United States. Hypertension may well be a health problem to be conquered more than remedied for anyone affected, as there is no “procedure” to just fix it. The future doesn’t have to look this bleak though. A change in one’s lifestyle can have a positive impact on how you live with hypertension, and this is why I chose the title of this blog. Those that conquer hypertension, live taking charge of their affliction, and doing a variety of complementary steps to the conventional medicine treatments available.

Complementary Activities to Help Reduce Hypertension

1. The most obvious, first: A diet suited for your particular needs. For most, this includes eating fruits and vegetables, reducing the total sodium consumed per day, and avoid drinking alcohol except on occasion.
2. Exercise. We all know this one is unavoidable. Exercise promotes wellness and healing, but you don’t need to sign up for a gym membership. People with hypertension will benefit from just walking at a brisk pace for at least half an hour each day.
3. Massage Therapy. Global Advances in Health and Medicine LLC recommends massage therapy as a complementary treatment to conventional medicine, along with diet and exercise. Like brisk walking, massage can bring back some balance in the way your body feels, help with stamina issues, and allow the body to concentrate on its healing processes.

Living with hypertension does not have to be a debilitating experience. Get a moderate amount of exercise, eat wisely, and get a quality massage to empower and treat yourself right.

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